Want to know more about your own health?
Want your voice to be heard?
Want to make our healthcare system better?
Take some time for yourself and answer these questions. Your answers will make you think…
We believe your opinion is important to making the healthcare system better for all of us, and we will make sure your voice is heard.
Become part of the REFERENDO platform.
Your contribution will be visible in the actions taken by committed partners to develop and improve healthcare.
  • If you wish, you will be able to receive feedback and additional information about your health.

  • Your data is anonymous!

  • Everything is described in detail in REFERENDO's privacy policy, which you can read HERE .


Health illustration
Healthcare system interactions
Time icon
10 min

Interaction with the health system

Questionnaire related to your interaction with the health care system.
Health illustration
Health Behavior
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10 min

Patients referendum

Questionnaire related to oncological diseases.
Health illustration
Life Quality
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10 min

Life Quality

Questionnaire related to oncological diseases.